Gratitude -
Messages of Gratitude
I was able to feel a sense of relief around what I’ve dealt with. I am very inspired by the facilitators I got to work with and felt confident to speak- F.B.
'HeartMath® - learning to pause and connect with my heart. Re-energize. Learning to share honestly and openly with group and instructors. Learning to sew and being creative and feeling proud of projects I made. I enjoyed the ladies that came in and shared their experience” -L.S
'HeartMath® breathing techniques, the kindness of the instructors, the active participation, and the guest speaker were all helpful and valuable.' – A.B.
Our Landscape
By The Numbers
The effect of mass incarceration on women and girls.
increase in women's incarceration between 1980 and 2019. The number of incarcerated women increased by more that 700% rising from a total of 26,378 in 1980 to 222,455 in 2019.80%
of women who will go to jail this year are mothers - including 55,000 women who are pregnant when they are admitted.1.2ML
women are currently under supervision in the criminal justice system.86%
of women in jail have been victims of sexual violence or trauma.63%
of women in state and federal prisons have been convicted of non-violent crimes. That figure jumps to 82% for women in local jails.1.9ML
women released from prisons have been convicted of non-violent crimes.281%
increase in sexual victimization reports for people in prison between 2011 and 2015. And while women represented 10% of the jail population between 2009 and 2011, they represented 67% of the victims of sexual violence.69%
of women in prison and 72% of women in jail meet the diagnostic criteria for drug dependence and abuse.Margaret Mead
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”